High School High

A Star Society’s High School High brought together secondary school students from all over British Columbia and Canada to share their talent and passion with one another. For 8 years, High School High inspired over 4000 students and over 6000 audience members. Many of these dancers also met at our drop-in programs. Reinstating special events like High School High are part of our fundraising goals for the A Star Gala. 

Benefits of events like High School High

Dance is an art form that is often displayed through competition. Instead of building relationships with one another and appreciating each other’s choreographic works, the dance teams only focus on winning. With multiple opportunities for everyone to meet during the warm up, workshops, cool down, etc., High School High (HSH) helps the dancers build community. Students also have the opportunity to showcase their choreography in a professional theatre instead of the usual acoustically challenged gym.

Elementary school educators recognized High School High as a valuable learning experience. They want their young students to be enlightened with the possibilities of what they can achieve when they get to high school. What better way than to watch the high caliber performances at HSH. They can learn about camaraderie, discipline, integrity, attaining a goal and connecting with others who have the same passion. During the live adjudication they can witness the results of striving for excellence, and the importance of nuances and quality.


